CloudV 0 | 1 vCPU | 1 GB | 1 TB | 20 GB | 0.00 € / mo | 0.0000 € / hour | Buy |
CloudV 1 | 2 vCPU | 4 GB | 2 TB | 40 GB | 4.00 € / mo | 0.0060 € / hour | Buy |
CloudV 2 | 4 vCPU | 8 GB | 4 TB | 80 GB | 8.00 € / mo | 0.0119 € / hour | Buy |
CloudV 3 | 6 vCPU | 24 GB | 8 TB | 120 GB | 17.00 € / mo | 0.0253 € / hour | Buy |
CloudV 4 | 12 vCPU | 48 GB | 10 TB | 240 GB | 34.00 € / mo | 0.0506 € / hour | Buy |
CloudV 5 | 16 vCPU | 64 GB | 10 TB | 300 GB | 48.00 € / mo | 0.0714 € / hour | Buy |
CloudV 6 | 24 vCPU | 96 GB | 12 TB | 400 GB | 68.00 € / mo | 0.1012 € / hour | Buy |
CloudV 7 | 32 vCPU | 128 GB | 14 TB | 500 GB | 98.00 € / mo | 0.1458 € / hour | Buy |
CloudV 8 | 48 vCPU | 256 GB | 16 TB | 600 GB | 198.00 € / mo | 0.2946 € / hour | Buy |
Spin up and spin down with ease and pay only for the hours you use our platform.
Expand your block storage volumes without modifying your cloud instance local disk.
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After an inbound rule has been added to the ruleset, all other packets are dropped by default. To allow inbound traffic to additional ports, you must create additional firewall rules.
No. Established connections are left intact. When you change a rule in a firewall group, changes will only be applied to new connections.
Yes, you can use the same firewall group on any number of servers.
PH Firewall is comparable to most firewall programs bundled in with server operating systems. However, PH Firewall has several key differences.